Latest Google Play updates

What better way to experiment with an App than the changes in ASO factors that I talked about in the last article? Well, I set to work. I explain:

  • I carried out a search for niche.
  • I found one that seemed interesting.
  • I discovered that it is a recurring niche with high competition.
  • Perform a search for Relevant Keywords which have a large volume of searches.
  • Make a simple App to be included within the aforementioned niche.


  • I name the App using the keywords that I have decided are relevant: “Relax”, “Meditation”, “Therapy” and “Music”.
  • What can I expect? Naturally, it is positioned by the keywords included in the title, but, will it be simple? Fast? Can I position well just for having the keywords in the title? Obviously, as always, I make proper use of ASO factors and especially various types of App Marketing.
  • What do I get? The App was published on January 20th 2016, and in less than 15 days positioned at the verge of the top 10 according to App Annie for a market like the United States. Searching directly on Google Play with Spain as the location, the App appears within the top 10 using the keywords “Therapy Music” and “Relax Meditation”.


Therefore, it complies with what, as analyzed in the Google algorithm, was predicted during the previous weeks:The apps that underwent changes contained those keywords mostly in the title itself. (We know the ASO value of the App title, but it still seemed to be more valuable than previously noted).

Of course, the good positioning of some Keywords, in particular, just those which coincide with the title is not only because they are in the title, but with good ASO and App Marketing. Which in addition has consequently led the App to appear in Top Charts and Highlights in its category, for example, in Indonesia it is found in position 139 for “Health Free”.

In short, it can be concluded that the most relevant Keywords by which the Application has been positioned coincide with those included in the title, and it has done so quickly. More than it would have done before the last Google Play update.

Also, to emphasize that it seems that little by little, as also predicted, they are implementing more changes in the algorithm, however, in a much smoother way than as occurred on January 13th.

Accents on Google Play

Lastly, a clarification, in Spanish, for example, the word “meditation”, uses a tilde with the “o”. Well, so far simple, but, do the accents influence positioning? Yes, and I would say, that even more so with the latest update.

If we search for “meditation”, we get:

The first App that positions and does not use the tilde in its title is “Mindfulness and Meditation” and it appears in the sixth position. However, if we search for “meditation” without tilde.

We see how it appears in the fourth position. Therefore, according to the direct results of the search engine, it seems to be an influence. Although of course, it can be claimed that this happens because of other ASO factors, but it seems to be simpler, it has a logical, direct connection that does it by the title itself, but as always, you never know or will know 100%.